Goodnight friends! The clouds had sealed up again by morning, a hazy smoke coloured half-light cast over the whole day. Colour leeched from the dry drifted leaves and the orange fur of the fox, who met me again and came even closer, ghostly grey in the long twilight.
Energy sinking down a little, suffering the crush of damp cold more heavily after feeling more lively and doing creative work yesterday – I always feel a little cheated when mental work gives me as much of a backlash as physical activity. I ended up not getting out until dark was beginning to fall, which I think is a big part of what made the fox so bold. It feels really extraordinary to be so close and have such a comfortable, companionable sensation with a wild creature.
May we find and allow ourselves to appreciate moments of tranquility and stillness today!
Image ID: Photo of a red fox in the gloaming, standing on a narrow track through tufty leafstrewn grass and looking upward, seemingly directly into the camera with triangular ears perked.