Friday August 30, 2024

Goodnight friends! Very clear and bright, little summery cottonball clouds drifting tiny and aimless in soft, pure blue. Every day more gold and orange among the branches, today in a glimmering, kaleidoscopic display of shifting hues. Autumn hawkbits have gone from tattered tufts to neon yellow torches in the grass.

Nearly feeling back to regular function. Able to reflect on and appreciate how much easier, and quicker, this recovery period has been thanks to all the support I had during and after the trip. Currently the feeling of balance and compatibility in my relationship with my girlfriend feels really great, we’re able to communicate about our needs and find ways to frame and limit her caring role, and make space for me to offer support to her in sustainable ways.

May we find a sense of direction and purpose in our lives today!

Image ID: Photo of short, patchy dry grass thickly speckled by rosettes of sunlight and shadow from tree canopies above, with round bright yellow and green splashes from fallen linden leaves.

Photo of long teardrop horse-chestnut leaves, withering and curling on the twig, turning patchily from green to a deep rusty burgundy.