Friday August 23, 2024

Goodnight friends! Travelling today, a car journey in warm, sometimes close weather around 20°c, through the wye valley and into Wales. Smoke blue hills and patchwork-scarred fields golden with coming autumn gave way to steep, shaggy forested hills looming to either side, like living an ant’s-eye view of mossy boulders. Then the coastal air, blustery yet still somehow very humid, a dreamy unfocused impression of slight mist.

An exhausting, purposeful and lovely day, scenery washing over us, sedated by heat and movement. Once we checked in we rushed out to catch some sea, since the forecasts are guessing scattered rain over the rest of our stay. We froze and whooped and got half-flattened by the clawed, foamy sea, tiny and dizzy with the force of it and the flat pewter dazzle on the water.

May we find our minds refreshed, and allow ourselves unalloyed astonishment and awe at the world around us today!

Image ID: Photo of a broad flat brown sandy beach stretching out through hazy air to a far out softly shining tideline, and beyond that a long dark steel blue undulation of headland beneath a sky of tumultuous streaking swirls of grey slivered with pale blue.