Goodnight friends! Mottled, soupy grey morning, clearing by degrees as clouds split and heaped up, leading to a brighter though still somewhat cold afternoon. I spotted a rather splendid morel mushroom yesterday, my first sighting, and planned to try foraging it today – but when I plucked it it was playing host to many busy woodlice, and also to a sleek, drowsy immature newt which had been nestled cosily in the hollow cap. I didn’t have the heart to evict them, so I put it back as best I could.
Still unsteady with fatigue and pain, and an outing to chat with tradesmen about work being done on my still mid-repair flat took a lot of energy out of me. I’ve spent most of the rest of the day in bed, feeling a little weak and fragile.
May we see the world around us anew with a deep sense of wonder and gratitude today!