Monday February 10, 2025

Goodnight friends! Grey cold murk and thick damp air with sporadic light drizzle continues. A roiling, swirling tide of glistening new foliage continuing to swell, brighter green, soft but indefatigable. Black twigs against a heavy grey sky slowly changing to muddy evening lilac, but tipped by the little clubs of buds and catkins.

Sleep even more fugitive last night, a long gloomy stetch of aching insomnia and my schedule is already just as muddled and offset again as it was. Treading water a little, although pacing myself has helped keep things to a slow simmer of mild fatigue, conscious that I’m hoping to make at least a token showing at judo if I don’t feel too bad.

May we rediscover and reclaim our passions and inspirations today!

Image ID: Photo of a plush, spongy green carpet of damp moss with long wooly fronds, a few tiny, glossy mahogany brown sporophytes reaching up, oval capsules full of spores on hair-thin setae.