Sunday February 2, 2025

Goodnight friends! Slept a bit better and got outside early, all the colours glass-sharp with the intensity of unfiltered morning light and crisp cold air. Scots pines pale aqua against the searing bare blue of a suddenly cloudless sky, seedling leaves surging up from the earth transformed into forests of neon spikes by the piercing glare, paths barred by long, skinny blaxk shadows of trees. Hung out with a friend and watched a movie in the afternoon, but as with so many early starts and fun activities for me my stamina ran itself down to zero before evening since then I’ve just been sitting on the sofa feeling pleasantly useless and unable to foxes on anything for a few hours.

May we find and build our sense of community, fellowship and mutual support today!

Image ID: Photo of sunlight falling across budding yellow crocuses beginning to open up among a carpet of chartreuse moss, dark stripes on the outsides of their petals made especially sharp and clear thanks to their translucence, lanterns filled with transmitted radiance.