Thursday January 2, 2024

Goodnight friends! Temperatures collapsing down below zero as clouds dissolved overnight. Morning of blisteringly blue skies, bare except for thin, distant white needles of contrails and the long cold lance of the sun. Glassy glitter on frost that filmed over glass and metal with abstract floral whorls and made white crystalline shells around each filament of moss and blade of grass, a desaturated tint of grey across the landscape.

Pain levels are still pretty high, and I felt worn doq to the bone within a few hours of waking. My sense of hot and cold is even more skewed than usual, spikes of clammy heat and sudden chills. Still not nearly so consistently nasty as yesterday, feels like the rest is doing me some good. A very small slow walk today to get some sun, and overall cautiously opening things up to a nore balanced, sustainable resting tempo.

May we find people we can trust to share and celebrate our passions and experiences with today!

Image ID: Photo of a dark flat surface covered in arcs and fans and acanthus curls of thin silvery frost patterns.