Sunday December 29, 2024

Goodnight friends! A few degrees warmer, and far clearer. A taste of wet, charcoal and mould and stone still in the air, but the sky a pale and rumpled blue shot through with banks of pink-flushed cloud. A few more unexpected midwinter flowers to be spotted in sheltered nooks amd corners. Sleek cinnamon brown blur of a fox among the gravestones. One of those recurring little thoughts that tugs my attention from time to time. Nature isn’t an inevitable rolling clockwork – everything reacts to opportunities and shocks as best it can, jinks and scrambles on pathways that only converge on average to our understanding or expectations.

My body feeling a bit lighter for things drying out a little, I got up and got moving a little earlier though I don’t have enough stamina for that to lead to a more productive day, it just shifted my hours of activity. I needed a long dazed afternoon stint of recovery. I feel like I might be stuck in a little relapse from my holiday activities. Making me think I’ll probably want to avoid much in the way of new year’s eve celebration.

May we find a sense of continuity and purpose in our lives today!

Image ID: Photo of a spider web strung between grass stems, so fine as to be invisible in the blueish light of afternoon except for the dozens of miniscule beads of water caught on its threads, seeming to float in neat midair queues.

Photo of an umbellifer in flower, probably an out of season hogweed, a ring of asymmetric white flowers around swelling purpleish buds with divided cinquefoil white petals tinged with pink at the edges.