Friday December 27, 2024

Goodnight friends! Whole day swallowed by frigid mist again, every surface faintly glossy or densely pearled or darkened by omnipresent damp. Mosses swollen and spongy, every tree crown and distant rooftop halfway or more to disappearing, losing coherence like distant memories. Light sources are ambiguous, great pale wet jellyfish blobs or broad soft-edged cones.

A plodding recovery day, mild and careful excepting the heavy throb of pain. Trying to work around it at my own pace, but it’s like trying to read in a room with a blaring TV right in your eyeline. You can do it for a while, more-or-less, but the force of the sensation constantly hauls at the animal leash of your attention.

May we find warmth and mutual care in our lives today!

Image ID: Photo of a line of tall, closely-spaced bare churchyard trees, their branches barely more than pale watercolour sketches in the thick washed out grey of a fogbank.