Thursday December 12, 2024

Goodnight friends! Very grey still, with patchy fog – though only enough to give a fuzzy sense of occlusion to things in the periferal vision – and occasional muttering drizzle. Continuing, clinging wet chill that lingered on the skin even after I came in from the cold. A pale frost-like speckle of raindrops catching lamplight on bank drooping grass.

Dragging post-exertion malaise still along with joints grinding from the wet cold – far from surprising but still a numbing, dissociative pain. Today it’s my brain lagging the most, each thought an ungainly struggle like the scrabble of a key hunting for a lock in the dark.

May we fins rest and recovery today!

Image ID: Photo of a string of multi-coloured fairy lights, motes of glowing pink and green and orange and more, stretching in front of a row of bare, wiry inky-black trees and a murky lavender grey sky.