Saturday October 5, 2024

Goodnight friends! Force of the sun tangible again for a day, the sky starkly hard, clear blue and the temperature feeling way above the 13°c or so the thermometer claimed. Sparse foliage painted clearly on the trunks of trees in shifting patterns of indigo and ochre. Rowan berries and wild apples impossibly bright on the branches, sharp scarlet and acid green.

Managed to sleep a little more than a lot of my recent disturbed, abbreviated nights, but maybe the change was too much of a shock to the system, or I fell out of a tolerable zone my body accidentally found. I felt very sleep deprived – dizzy and nauseous, thick-tongued and stuffy-headed for most of the day. I managed to take a bit of a walk in the park with my girlfriend and her dog, but didn’t feel up to much otherwise.

May we find respite and ease today!

Image ID: Photo of a vivid azure sky rising above sunlit treetops, a pair of nearly leafless trunks in the centre blazing mirror-white.

Photo of a brilliant saffron yellow growth of jelly antler fungus on a grey fallen branch, a nest of short, curving forked branches with softly rounded points.