Friday October 4, 2024

Goodnight friends! A flickering temperamental sky and stiff, cold dry wind again. Flowers fading, stubborn buddleja spikes half papery beige. A grey-brown fox trotted along the path ahead of me, half nervy, half seeming to strive for insolent nonchalance before winding away between the slats of a fence. Squirrels spiral around tree trunks out of sight as I approach, pale chunks of mushroom in their teeth.

More-or-less feeling recovered, although it did take until partway through the day and I felt very lethargic into early afternoon. After a little drawing in bed and a slow peaceful walk I spent most of today’s energy on a food prep activity, one of the simple safe recipes I gather the strength to make on my own now and then that get me a bunch of nice modular batch-cooked meals. My girlfriend helping me cook the past few years has been a big help to me gaining more agency in this area.

May we find a sense of purpose and peaceful confidence in our lives today!

Image ID: Photo of a bright blue sky above silhouetted black treetops, with clouds along the horizon just beginning to take on the creamy yellow hints of evening, combed out by the wind into long narrow plumes streaking diagonally up and out across the sky.