Thursday October 3, 2024

Goodnight friends! Higher winds and a shifting sky. Very cold overnight, but dry. A piercing bright blue morning, obscured by degrees over the early afternoon by rolling logs of iron-grey cumulus that then parted and dissolved again by the time the first goldem hints of evening crept on. Astonishing rainbow of fungi cropping up among the grass continues to diversify, orange deceivers and pale, almost pearly white mushrooms I can’t identify.

Some soreness and fatigue still, but felt relatively springy, I think thanks in part to clearer skies. A little drawing and household squaring away, but still finding I need long breaks, energy leaks away faster than a few months ago.

May we find acceptance and healing today, releasing our grip on rumination and painful memories!

Image ID: Photo of dense bars of grey cloud lidding over a pale blue sky above a tree-lined graveyard, thin pale rays of sunlight cut through a narrow straight gap in the clouds.