Saturday September 28, 2024

Goodnight friends! Hints of bright blue, especially in the morning, but nothing lasting, and the sky overall was soft layered ranks of grey, each stripe a little darker in a dilute haze like fading ink. Air a little drier, leaves curl and shatter feebly underfoot. The last of the ragworts are fading, petals collapsing back from brown heads.

Still not adjusting very well to longer, colder nights amd shorter, colder days, dizzy spells and a heavy sense of lethargy coming on after making any great effort. Managing at least to do a little of a range of activities, aiming to keep brain and body alert.

May we find a sense of playfulness, experiment and exploration in our lives today!

Image ID: Photo of fountaining lawson’s cedar needles, minutely scaled and emerging from the darkness of deeper foliage, one spray rusty orange among the deep green.