Friday September 20, 2024

Goodnight friends! A similar pale, slowly opening tendency as yesterday with a brighter afternoon, although it seemed more fitful and marbled with cloud. Warmer than it looked out but with the mildly buffeting addition of a cool breeze, tasting of distant damp and sooty petrol fumes. A few bees still bustling around pale purple scabious and reluctantly fading spikes of buddleja.

Just about the same kind of day, if a little more decisive and active. Little tasks to take care of, little scraps of spare energy to put to use, I notice my default everyday state becoming more sluggish and wrenched by discomfort, harder to maintain routines or feel like resting amounts to anything.

May we find optimism for the future and events to look forward to today!

Image ID: Photo of a drift of fallen coppery and grey-brown leaves, topped by a single large sycamore leaf, an eye-catching chalky coral pink.