Sunday September 15, 2024

Goodnight friends! Slept poorly as the weather changed, and woke to clammy air and skies the rumpled grey of old newsprint. Fitful rain that came and went and varied in intensity with a pulse-like throb.

A walk in the park with friends, despite the showers, was today’s main activity. Ended up feeling a little more gruelling than I expected thanks to joint pain mounting over the day. Grateful to get out though, seeing new places. Drooping spikes of goldenrod like fireworks, yellow flowers and tufty white seeds. Lax, crystal-studded evening primrose, sumac trees beginning to flame scarlet. A while since I saw swans too, their long ivory necks arcing and looping across their backs until they resemble fluffy white klein bottles.

May we embrace tenderness and patience today, and allow feelings, ideas, relationships to mature and grow at their own pace!

Image ID: Photo of a brown dried seedhead on a tall stalk among blunt-tipped silvery foliage, the opening of each pod a dark five-pointed star.