Sunday September 8, 2024

Goodnight friends! Bracketed by a wet morning and forlorn hiss and clatter of wind and rain after dark, the mossy afternoon lawns sparkled in soft slanting sunlight. Cyclamen and bellflowers and other late blooms caught the sleepy lantern glow in their tattered petals. Oak leaves beginning to brown slightly at the edges, scaly needle-tips of lawson’s cedar fading to a murky aquamarine.

Slept a bit better but had a more-or-less slow day still, small bits of drawing and household tasks broken up by short breathing spaces for recuperation, and to ease through a few dizzy spells. Aiming to get to sleep as early as I can considering the fitful showers.

May we make time and space in our lives to listen thoughtfully amd learn from the experiences of others today!

Image ID: Photo of a patch of drooping oxeye daisies, their domed yellow central discs hanging vertically and white petals lax, muted by soft blueish shadows.

Photo of an azure sky stippled by a sweep of flat, translucent fishscale cirrus clouds.