Wednesday September 4, 2024

Goodnight friends! Mild and fresh, the particular cool half-damp, half crisp feeling that might only come at the cusp between summer and autumn, when the sky has been cleared by recent rain. Over just a few weeks it feels like the light evenings have vanished, inky blue night settling in well before 8pm.

A combination of poor sleep and general fatigue lead to several unpleasant spells of nausea and vertigo, as if any extra impetus to stay still and rest were needed. Falling back into rhythm after the busy feeling of summer, a gentle date night cooking with my girlfriend.

May we take time to recognise and celebrate the everyday joys and pleasures of our lives today!

Image ID: Photo of a smoky blue evening sky, pale gold sun blazing low above the horizon garlanded by small black smudgy clouds, with scraped-thin white plumes and wisps above.

Photo of a trailing mass of bryony vines, thin coiling stems pale and leaves dry brown and dessicated, studded with hanging clusters of satiny bright pinkish red berries.