Sunday September 1, 2024

Goodnight friends! Diffuse, layered whitish sky. About the same temperature as yesterday, maybe even a little warmer, but without the shifting cool ultramarine shadows and glassy glint of sunlight everything seems colder, more subdued. Leaves mound up in the bristly, twiggy bases of linden trees.

Frontloaded the day’s energy with an early walk, amd afternoon was a bit of a slow wallow taken up by some computer games and doodling. I did some household jobs and meal prep too after a long leisurely recovery time. Feeling hopeful to get back to exercise tomorrow without too much friction.

May we find trust, safety and honesty in our relationships today!

Image ID: Photo of a rosette of lobed, pointed hawthorn leaves changing colour, a spreading ripple of red seeming to spread out among them, from scarlet to burgundy to dun orange to dulled brownish green.