Tuesday August 27, 2024

Goodnight friends! Somewhat warm, but thankfully not too clammy. Hot sour smell of late summer rain, a loose slow noisy patter that made the lindens tremble. More flecks of yellow in the canopies. Grey squirrels active amd boisterous, daredevil leaps and scrambles from tree to tree.

Recovering today, fortunately nausea and vertigo fading, but a malaised sleepwalking brainfog, as well as general fatigue and weakness, will take a little while to dissipate fully. Not much of a need to set an intention to take things slow, everything feels like swimming through mud.

May we find rest, support and quiet companionship today!

Image ID: Photo of the canopy of an ornamental cherry tee against a pale grey sky, bending twigs bearing pointed, finely serrated leaves, a few them blazing vivid crimson among the pale drab colours of an overcast day.