Tuesday August 13, 2024

Goodnight friends! More cloudy and slightly cooler at a peak of around 24°c. Sometimes the blue sky was strewn in pillowy piles of cumulus, sometimes in thin, fast-moving ribbons and stipples. Slowly escalating humidity, only leavened by a thin foggy haze of drizzle.

As slow a start to the day as possible, slowly and carefully stretching in the shade under the trees in the churchyard in the runup to my first attempt at twice weekly judo. It will take a few days of recovery to tell if I can do something like this on a regular basis. Absolutely drenched in sweat thanks to the heavy humidity, the edges of a headache coming on by the end of the session despite taking a many breaks to drink as I could.

May we work to form communities of care and mutual support today!

Image ID: Photo of a little cluster of almost luminously bright scarlet rowan berries on striated brassy ochre twigs, among pinneate foliage beginning to brown and fade at the edges.