Monday August 12, 2024

Goodnight friends! A grumbling grey morning with throaty peals of thunder, and a heavy whipcrack downpour that dissolved into soft prolonged drizzle. It was as if the clouds exhausted themselves in one great shout of activity, because within hours only pale powdery streaks were left and the muggy warmth was redoubling, 27°c with barely any sign of the storm besides a sweet smell of drying earth.

Pretty wiped out by the changes in pressure and recent exercise, deep, woozy exhaustion and the way my joints hurt felt like burning, sometimes like I was having to consciously keep each limb stable just to keep myself from collapsing like an unstrung marionette. Hours rolled out from under me with oily ease.

May we find peace and replenishment today!

Image ID: Photo of bright afternoon sunlight blazing through layers of holly leaves, spiky scalaloped jigsaw silhouettes cast onto foliage glowing emerald with transmitted light.