Wednesday August 7, 2024

Goodnight friends! Pretty heavily run down feeling, though not in a predictable or consistent way, slow tidal innundations of pain and exhausted confusion washed over me and ebbed away, leaving me a little frustrated and oversensitive. Fortunately my girlfriend was able to visit for a low key hangout and some cooking together, which helped me feel more stable as well as picking up the slack of my forgetfulness. Making food with and for people is a kind of simple happiness I’m so glad I was able to discover.

The day was mainly slow and grime grey, bristly damp wind failed to shift flat uniform cloud cover until evening and the sky was a flat grey gauze, the sun a dim cateracted stare of a glow that you could almost return gaze for gaze.

May we accept each other and ourselves with jot and curiosity today!

Image ID: Photo of a glass baking dish of sliced roasted red and yellow peppers and tomatoes, dark charring on the uppermost slices and the hot colours giving a glowing, almost lava-like effect.

Photo of the leaves of a young sycamore maple, the freshest still pink with anthocyanins among splashes of bright green.