Monday August 5, 2024

Goodnight friends! Muggy, decidedly grey weather holding at a steady 22°c that felt breathlessly warmer, the sky an inky striped swirl of shade dissolving into shade. Damp breeze tugged at the linden branches, catching seeds and sending them spiralling down like spinning tops. Early-falling sycamore maple leaves lie like yellow palm prints on the grass. Fitful, seething clatters of rain come in fits and starts in the dark.

The ambient leaden sluggishness and slow grinding discomfort that can come with heavy overcast weather is starting to sink in I think. I’ve been a little puzzled by just how much extra effort simple tasks have taken over the last few days, until the heavy start-stop night rains came on and I found my sleep schedule re-scrambled by the crushing pain.

May we find a sense of renewed passion and purpose in our lives today!

Image ID: Photo of the sienna-brown dry seedheads of a patch of columbines, each an elegant cinquefoil set of hollow tubes, open at the tip with thin, pointed jesters-cap horns to show five round dark seeds within.