Friday August 2, 2024

Goodnight friends! Blanched blue skies and thick, gooey damp heat rolled like a slow gush of sauna steam over the first part of the day. As a breeze picked up and clouds thickened in mid afternoon the temperature dropped a bit to the low 20°c-s, and the day felt nore manageable. Haws swelling into plump barrwl shapes turning from green to red. Ate my first fully sweet blackberry of the season, soft and sun-warmed from the stem. A brief reprieve from the clamminess with some rain around dusk, but the night is already feeling a little close and overheated again.

Very difficult to sleep, and lingering thick malaise bled through the night and into a slow foggy day, my joints aching bitterly, pulsing hot and cold. Some little bits of household tasks but not much momentum or focus, just trying to look after myself and give myself opportunities to rest and heal.

May we find places of safety and honesty to express our joys and fears without shame today!

Image ID: Photo of dark green treetops and the needle point of a church spire against the sky, mostly swathed by two bands of cloud, one bright white and speckle-edged to the right, to the left a sweep of pale grey formed from thready windswept tendrils, with a thin tranche of bright blue between.

Photo of a young, gangly looking red fox beside the rear wheels of a car, bright orange with grizzled white muzzle, throat and underside, black ears pulled back in nervy alert.