Friday June 28, 2024

Goodnight friends! A little warmer again, but still feeling like a general gentle decline in temepratures for me. Wind more blustery and cooler, and longer overcast stretches. More sweetness on the air as tentacular drooping purple spikes of buddleja with their smouldering orange hearts come into bloom, and yellow flecks of meadow peas multiply among the tall dry grasses. Rusty orange and ochre meadow browns dance and jostle, beetles crowd on the broad lacy platforms of hogweed umbels.

Body lingering in a state of poor sleep and semi-recovery, a queasy feeling of hyper-vigilance when I stand or otherwise get a little active suggesting I’m maybe not quite past the additional energy deficit left over from my recent fevery illness. Struggling to feel connected to people, drawing a little, a feeling of potential progress but grindingly slow.

May we reflect on our pasts and our decisions with a sense of peace and acceptance today!

Image ID: Photo of a broad, showy domed corymb of densely packed mophead hydrangea flowers, stiff fleshy petals uncoiling and taking on their mature hues from pale yellowish green for the small central, fully fertile blooms to bright pink for the outer ranks of ornamental blossoms with sterile pistils.