Sunday May 19, 2024

Goodnight friends! A dizzily endless, featureless pale blue sky. A zigzag, weaving pinprick joust that might have been a crow harassing a buzzard the only feature to be seen above faintly shimmering green treetops. Sun blazing with slow, inevitable steamroller force, every tiny stitchwort flower gleaming in the grass. Amazing, surreal sight of tiny, almost luminously bright green caterpillars hanging beneath shady oak canopies on long threads.

Better stamina and less deep malaise pain than I was worried for after meeting up with family yesterday. Guessing a combination of my affinity for warm weather and a long estful afternoon helping my recovery somewhat. A sedate walk in the park with my girlfriend and her dog, and a little rusty drawing in the afternoon, but mainly played it safe, wanting to keep things slow and gentle where I can.

May we find opportunities for learning and growth today!