Tuesday May 14, 2024

Goodnight friends! Another humid stuffy day with thick cloud cover and a few scattered passages of rain. An overall feeling of gooey heaviness to the air, fragrant with the almost cloying scent of damp grass. Blackbirds trilling through their Humidity eased up and the sky opened a bit as the day went on, still hints of soft aquamarine evening light along the horizon after 9.30pm, and a hazy cresent moon visible through thinning clouds.

My energy levels are seeming to fluctuate a little unreadably over days and hours recently, more than usual I mean, so I’ve been a little nervous about exercise. Fortunately I feltb confident enough to get out to judo and did pretty well stamina-wise, although I lost my breath pretty conclusively towards the end and was wobbling like a foal by the time I got to bed.

May we find ways to share in, build up and contribute to our communities today!