Thursday May 9, 2024

Goodnight friends! Feeling drier and fresher, only faint scaly or feathery swirls and the pale slashes of contrails disturbing a deep blue flatness above, feeling and looking like high summer for a day. Grass high and shot through with broad plantain and dock leaves, the cat’s-cradle tendrils of vetch and foamy sprays of white cow-parsley umbels. Dense lifescapes at every level, tiny glittery black insects all over campion calyxes, thrushes and squirrels rummaging through sweet-scented clots of drying cut grass.

Took things at a mindful recovery pace, very gentle stretching, a slow steady walk to drink in some sun and watch the buzz and scamper of wildlife. Body not too sore or sickened feeling in any particular way, able to manage pain okay, just deeply drained and lethargic for now and needing to wait things out a little.

May we be able and willing to make moments of celebration, joy and indulgence in our lives today!