Monday May 6, 2024

Goodnight friends! Temperature swelling to brush against 20°c in the peak of early afternoon, the sky eggshell blue under wispy veils and scudding burst pillows of dissolving cumulus. A few passages of thick muggy damp and roiling greyish clouds, but brief threats of thunderstorms never came to pass. Greater stitchwort and highlighter-pink red campion sweltered and blazed on the woodland margins, yellow pimpernel and starbursts of comb-toothed deer ferns further in, along with sudden clearings of glowing bluebells.

Thanks to a bank holiday I got to go on a brief afternoon walk in the woods with my girlfriend, a wonderful two year anniversary in the place we shared our first kiss. Trying to be cautious with my energy amd sparing in my activities generally as I’m hoping to exercise tomorrow.

May we find honesty, tenderness and mutual respect in our relationships today!