Monday April 29, 2024

Goodnight friends! A more changeable and blustery day, a little drier amd warmer with patchily lighter passages that set green treetops alight, unreal against glowering bruise-grey piles of cumulus. Scattered, indecisive fragments of thin needling rain. Brief gusts carried the buttery sweetness of flowers and the piping confusion of mingled birdsong.

Energy thankfully seeimng to rebound well from Saturday’s adventure, glad I paced it our conservatively and rested well beforehand as well as immediately after. Hopeful about being able to go to judo tomorrow too, but aiming not to be too dogmatic about it. Setting my intention toward responding fluidly to my energy in case of a staggered onset of full malaise.

May we find small moments of unexpected joy and beauty in out lives today!