Sunday April 28, 2024

Goodnight friends! Flattened a bit by post-exertional malaise. Spent the morning in bed, soft damp light filtering through the blinds. Eventually managed some late lunch and a short walk, a few slivers of blue visible through the marbled grey clouds. Multiplying buttercups shining softly among the grass. Scattered white foam of cow-parsleys coming slowly into flower. Exhausted, I sat with some cushions on the floor of the living room and got to watch the sky clear over the afternoon. Firey chartreuse yellow blazed then dissipated from the crown of the fresh-leafed oak, the grey green of a scots pine faded to black, the plain soft blue of late afternoon fell through each minute variation into lilac and smoky violet and slate grey.

May we find places and communities of comfort and belonging today!