Friday February 9, 2024

Goodnight friends! Far milder today, a little murkily damp early on but brightening considerably in the afternoon, hard ochre lines of shadow on orange brick. Clouds part, saw-edged and speckled. Bright lime green shoots crown shrubs and pavement stalwart plants.

Seem to be a few less clicks and crunches on ym shoulder, and a gradually widening range of motion. Noticing how much I savour and feel excitement in the sensations of getting better, a very different way of experiencing my body. A strange side-benefit of judo has been getting hurt more often in ways that I know probably won’t be permanent. Sprains and tweaked muscles and torn skin can all heal. Of course, besides showing me the romanticism of the resilient human body, getting hurt is also more importantly showing me I need to find ways to carefully adjust my engagement towards what’s safer for me.

May we find a sense of momentum and renewed enthusiasm for our passions and projects today!