Goodnight friends! Morning a white-gold dazzle, leopard-spotting shaggy grass with deep shifting shadows from the freshly filling-in canopies. A heavy sizzling solar pressure and thick muggy air, basking flies glinting like flakes of mirror glass. Clouds merged and darkened as the day wore on. The first heavy coughs of distant thunder came on around 3 pm, fitful spatters of rain and pale flashes continuing through the rest of the day.
Some more admin and another logistical visit to the flat – at once heartening to see the progress, but a vague simmer of impatience that a lot still needs to be done. It doesn’t feel like a huge outlay of energy at the time, but even before the rain started up I felt winded and spacey the rest of the day.
May we find tranquility and acceptance, loosening our grip on things beyond our control today!