Goodnight friends! This has been the inevitable day for the slow simmer of exertions coming to a boil. Hot feverish pain in my limbs and core drives an awl through my thoughts, I’m tonguetied, hauling myself step by step through a heavy, treacly fog. Been a good while since I tried a test like this, and with my improved phsycial condition I was vaguely hoping for, though not expecting, slightly more favourable results. Long breaks, not many convention activities, a lot of time relaxing or reading quietly. Considering how much I’ve done I feel pretty accomplished being able to stand up and move around. Memories of yesterday buoy me up too.
Pale swirling half-grey skies, a cool wet wind and hints of threatening rain never quite materializing, but building a frothy tension in the air. The hotel remains a baffling unspace, even as I become familiar with particular routes new nooks and bends in its fabric seem to materialise when I turn my head.
May we find a sense of acceptance and resolve to face the world as it is with courageous optimism today!