Goodnight friends! Somewhat warmer and definitely drier today. Oramental cherries and shaggy, forbidding Scots pines bowed and jerked by humming, buffeting wind, no time for the swollen, leaden cannonball clouds to settle and disgorge their water weight. Spectacular afternoons and sunsets, a vast expanse of sky here at the edge of a small town dissolving into scrub and farmland.
Feeling more or less recovered from travel by now, but my regular routine is stillsomewhat dislicated, and the supporting structures I use to manage my energy over the day are absent here. Easy to overexert myself in dozens of minor ways, ane put myself into activities to distract myself from that hum of ambient stress, hard to find space to settle and recover.
May we find and build upon our sense of self-confidence an self-sufficency today, learning more about what we need and how to achieve it!