Sunday December 12, 2021

Goodnight friends! Mild concussed foggy drowsiness, mild general infiltrating aches, a kind of malaise that it was hard to mind too much because I know how much worse it could be. Another morning in bed, slowly drawing – mostly tracing a prior sketch more or less – then gradually expanding my range of activity as I gained control of my limbs.

A dull pearly sheen of white and blue across the grey sky, relatively warm and a little sticky. Water still hissing and churning darkly through sluices, saw a stalking heron raise its head with a glinting silver wriggle in its needle bill. High above a great broad black wheeling shape, giving a grumbling, gurgling cough of a cry, possibly a raven passing through.

May we find a sense of stability and continuity that brings us greater ease and effectiveness in living today!