Goodnight friends! A more fitful day, cloud and rain less settled in place, harried onward, broken apart and reforming under moans of wind over and over, slicing down in a diagonal peppering of thin hard droplets. Streets and puddles have a dark, oily gleam, gloom defamiliarises half-flooded paths. White strobing tips of magpie wings become flickers of menacing uncertain movement, the rusty shrieks of herons acquire a faint edge of horror.
A bit of a recovery day, spells of exhaustion as both a hangover from exercise and a reaction to squalls of rain. Took chances to do a little when I could, and ended up feeling fairly satisfied at being able to keep myself as gently active and engaged as I could.
May we recognise more clearly today the aspects of our lives that we have agency over and can change for the better!