Good afternoon friends! Cartoon storm clouds are still foreboding , but for now it’s still barely under 30°c and the clouds are just thin foamy washes like the shallow lapping sluice of an incoming summer tide. Willow leaves spiral gracefully downward on the rough hot breeze and lie floating wind-pressed against the banks of the reservoir, tightly packed as yellow scales on ripples morse-code shimmering with the wavering reflection of the sun. The algae bloom has mostly cleared, spearhead shadows of little brown fish visible through the limpid caramel glaze of light on water.
Legs a little sore from wandering through gardens yesterday, but I couldn’t bear not to bask in this possible last day of heat. Feeling more composed and less emotionally scattered, hoping that having taken a walk and made this entry relatively early I can settle down to some leisurely drawing for most of the rest of the day.
May we find ways to welcome change and growth into our lives today!